

的 following local companies have been instrumental partners in promoting the Chamber’s mission to support, 吸引, 并在基维诺发展业务!


霍顿市- 霍顿是100个最适合居住的地方之一, 根据“美国100个最佳小镇,诺曼·克兰普顿著. 坐落在与美丽的波蒂奇水道接壤的山上, 霍顿一年四季都有丰富的娱乐机会. Our renowned waterfront provides adventure and relaxation for a multitude of interests and is supplemented by various neighborhood parks and trails.

密歇根理工大学 密歇根 Tech has gained worldwide recognition for innovative education and scholarship. 作为一所领先的公立研究型大学, 密歇根理工学院的教师探索知识的边界, 开发新技术, and prepare students to create the future for a prosperous and sustainable world. 密歇根 Tech offers more than 120 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in engineering; forest resources; computing; technology; business; economics; natural, 物理, and environmental sciences; arts; humanities; and social sciences—all with a reputation for extraordinary hands-on learning. 密歇根理工大学7人,000 students—and everyone—can enjoy a 600-acre forest and trail system on campus and nearby ski hill and golf course. 的 Student Development Complex allows for myriad exercise opportunities and presents NCAA Division I and II sporting events. 的 Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts schedules world-class entertainment for all.

UP卫生系统-运输- UP Health Systems - Portage is a multi-specialty medical center and have been serving the Western Upper Peninsula of 密歇根 since 1896. 我们是一家经过认证的胸痛中心和三级创伤中心. 在UP Health System - Portage,我们的使命是让社区更健康. 我们在家附近提供的一些服务是心脏病学, 肿瘤学, 普通外科和整形外科, 运动医学, 快速护理免预约诊所, 成像及其他.
Our vision – we want to create places where people choose to come for healthcare, 医生想要实践, 员工也想工作.

上半岛电力公司 在UPPCO, 我们的行动以公司的愿景为指导, 以客户为中心的使命, 我们与当地社区共享的价值观, 对我们的工作方式和对待彼此的方式有明确的期望.

沃尔玛, 我们从阿肯色州罗杰斯的一家小型折扣零售商起家.在美国,沃尔玛已经开设了数千家门店.S. 并在国际上扩张. 通过创新, we’re creating a seamless experience to let customers shop anytime and anywhere online, 通过移动设备和商店. We are creating opportunities and bringing value to customers and communities around the globe. 沃尔玛有近11家,000 retail units under 71 banners in 27 countries and e-commerce websites in 10 countries. 我们雇用2人.全球200万员工- 1.在美国有300万.S. 独自一人.


汉考克市, 由早期的铜矿探险者于1850年代建立, 是一个进步和热情的城市,波蒂奇湖北岸的600名居民, 是密歇根州最北端的城市. Hancock has beautiful summers and because of its proximity to majestic Lake Superior, 那里的冬天多雪. 今天, 两所大学支持多元化的经济和就业, 芬兰迪亚大学和密歇根理工大学, 以及密歇根科技智能区, 和运输健康. 汉考克是公认的地区医疗保健中心, 该市有1400多个工作岗位与医疗保健相关.

IncredibleBank - 这不是关于我们的历史,而是关于我们创造你们的历史. 但是,如果你坚持的话. Your IncredbileBank actually started in 1967 as River Valley Bank with a single location in Rothschild, 威斯康辛州. Over the years we grew to 15 locations in 威斯康辛州 and 密歇根's Upper Peninsula. 我们是, and still are a community bank in those areas with a focus on providing businesses and residents with top-notch banking products and services, 但现在改名为超人银行.

Aspirus Keweenaw 是上半岛医疗保健领域的领导者. 今天, the Aspirus Keweenaw system spans seven locations – Aspirus Keweenaw Hospital in Laurium, Laurium的三个诊所, 霍顿和林登湖, 两个门诊治疗诊所, 以及霍顿Shopko的FastCare. 可以进出基维诺酒店, Aspirus专注于帮助社区生活得更快乐, 更健康的生活. 专业保健的关键领域包括:妇女保健, 肿瘤学, 整形外科, 心脏病学, 儿科, 门诊治疗, 普通外科, 急诊护理与糖尿病. Aspirus Keweenaw的医务人员由现场支持, 最先进的技术来帮助识别, 诊断和治疗各种健康状况. Aspirus Keweenaw is an active community partner, sponsoring several events throughout the year. Among the organization’s most recognized events include the Copperman Triathlon in Copper Harbor and the Great Deer Chase mountain bike race in Calumet.

〇高级国民银行 Superior National Bank brings the people and businesses of the communities we serve convenient full-service banking and superior customer experiences.
以人为本,以客户为先, 我们优先考虑创新思维, 团队合作和最高水平的诚信. We bring our customers a wide range of banking services that will grow their personal and business futures including residential mortgages, 消费者和企业贷款, 支票及储蓄帐户, 财富管理. 的 bank also offers online and mobile banking services which enables customers to manage their accounts at any time of the day or night.
公司成立于1890年,总部位于汉考克, 密歇根, Superior National Bank has locations in the Upper Peninsula and Southeast 密歇根.



Brave作品 勇敢的. 大胆的. 大胆的. 勇敢的. Brave作品团队是开发者, 主人, and operators of brands that exist to create better lifestyles in our communities.


上半岛州立银行 is dedicated to delivering the best in the financial services industry for the financial well-being of its customers, 股东, 员工, 和社区. 他们提供抵押贷款, 建设, and commercial 贷款 in addition to a wide array of deposit services for both personal and business, 除了一系列的信托和投资服务

Koppers - 科珀斯是一家综合性的全球碳化合物生产商, 化学物质, 并处理木制品为铝, 铁路, 特种化工, 实用程序, 橡胶, 钢, 住宅木材, 农业产业.  总部设在匹兹堡, 宾西法尼亚, Koppers serves its customers through a comprehensive global manufacturing and distribution network, 设施位于北美, 南美, 澳大拉西亚, 中国, 和欧洲.

湾电他是密歇根州上半岛地区的一家提供全方位服务的电气承包商. 的ir team 作品 tirelessly to power your idea, your business, and your home into your vision.

防波堤联邦信用合作社 最近被称为, MTEFCU was chartered in 1952 and has been providing our members with quality financial services for over 60 yrs. 我们信用合作社的会员资格不仅限于密歇根理工大学的员工. 任何活着的人, 参加学校, 崇拜, 作品, or does business in Houghton County or Baraga Township may be eligible to join. Credit unions are unique institutions that provide various financial services including share savings, 贷款, 并分享草稿检查. 是什么让我们不同? 我们是由我们的成员——像你这样的人——拥有和管理的!

铜靶场仓库 沿着霍顿海滨提供独特的用餐体验, highlighting the history of the Copper Range Railroad and the deep mining history of the Keweenaw Peninsula. 享受南方风味的家常菜. 他们提供全套早餐菜单, 含羞草酒, 血腥玛丽, 质量牛排, 和美妙的原创菜肴.

MTEC Smartzone

帕特食品公司—— 本·坎皮奥尼和乔·坎皮奥尼他们是坎皮奥尼家族的第四代杂货商, 在密歇根州上半岛拥有并经营着6家杂货店.P”.  六个地点中的一个, they also have expanded into offering hardware at two of their locations-Festival Foods in Houghton, 密歇根大学和安大略省市中心的U-Save River中心, MI.  的y pride themselves in great customer service and maintaining their hometown proud quality that represents itself as you walk into any of their locations.


〇优秀的照顾者 的 主人 are both 密歇根 RN's and have graduated with honors from Finlandia University. Both have worked years at various homes for the aged and saw a growing need for seniors who wish to remain in their home but could not without a little assistance. 这就是我们可以提供帮助的地方!
Daily services can include anything from meal preparation, bathing, cleaning, and supervision. We will take the time to get to know you and develop an individualized care plan that fits your specific needs.
陪伴是与照顾者建立信任关系的关键. We not only strive to help you with everyday tasks but want to develop a caring relationship with you. 我们提供在其他环境中无法比拟的一对一的关注和照顾.


罗伊- 坐落在霍顿的Portage航运运河沿岸, 罗伊的馅饼和面包店供应新鲜的馅饼, 焙烤食品, 还有每天早上从零开始做的美味午餐. 确保每一位顾客的体验都充满愉悦, 我们努力提供高品质的产品, 提供亲切的服务, 每天营造一个温暖的氛围.